HL2 IO Board Xiegu and HR50

The Following code allows to control either the Xiegu's XPA125b or HobbyPCB Hardrock 50 amp with the N2ADR IO Board for Hermes Lite 2. Xiegu amp band control is accomplished through voltage and HR50 is accomplished by serial data. The code bypasses PTT when tune command is sent from the SDR App (ex. CTRL + Tune in Thetis) this way I can tune with my inline tuner which requires just 5 watts to tune the antenna. Just replace main.c from Jim's Basic code with the following code and compile. I can provide the compile file if you need it. If you want to compile this for use with HR50 you need to update the Pico SDK UART parameters to 9600 baud. For some reason overriding in code was not working for me.

// This is firmware for the Hermes Lite 2 IO board designed by Jim Ahlstrom, N2ADR. It is
//   Copyright (c) 2022-2023 James C. Ahlstrom <jahlstr@gmail.com>.
//   It is licensed under the MIT license. See MIT.txt.

// This firmware outputs the FT817 band voltage on J4 pin 8 and sets the band.

#include "../hl2ioboard.h"
#include "../i2c_registers.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
//#include "pico/stdio_uart.h"
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"

// These are the major and minor version numbers for firmware. You must set these.
uint8_t firmware_version_major=1;
uint8_t firmware_version_minor=3;
uint64_t curr_tx_freq;
char freqstr[10];

int main()
    static uint8_t current_tx_fcode = 0;
    static bool current_is_rx = true;
    static uint8_t tx_band = 0;
    static uint8_t rx_band = 0;
    static uint8_t tune_req;
    uint8_t band, fcode;
    bool is_rx;
    bool change_band;
    static absolute_time_t tuner_time0;
    static absolute_time_t last_tune = 0;
    bool digimode;

    configure_pins(true, true);
    //Set Grounds for Amp interfaces
    //gpio_put(GPIO10_Out5, 1);
    //gpio_put(GPIO22_Out6, 1);

    while (1) { // Wait for something to happen
        sleep_ms(1);    // This sets the polling frequency.
        // Poll for a changed Tx band, Rx band and T/R change
        is_rx = gpio_get(GPIO13_EXTTR);     // true for receive, false for transmit
        change_band = false;
        if (current_is_rx != is_rx) {
            current_is_rx = is_rx;
            change_band = true;
        //Serial Freq Output for HR50
        if (new_tx_freq != curr_tx_freq) {
            sprintf(freqstr, "%f", new_tx_freq * 1E-6);
            int k=0;
            if (strlen(freqstr) == 8){
            while (freqstr[k]!=0) {
                if ( freqstr[k] != '.' ) {
                    printf("%c", freqstr[k]);
            curr_tx_freq = new_tx_freq;
        // Poll for a changed Tx frequency. The new_tx_fcode is set in the I2C handler.
        if (current_tx_fcode != new_tx_fcode) {
            current_tx_fcode = new_tx_fcode;
            change_band = true;
            tx_band = fcode2band(current_tx_fcode);     // Convert the frequency code to a band code.
            xiegu_band_volts(tx_band);          // Put the band voltage on J4 pin 8.                        
        //Digital Modes Check
        if (Registers[REG_OP_MODE] >= 7 && Registers[REG_OP_MODE] <= 9){
            digimode = true;
        else {
            digimode = false;
        tune_req = Registers[REG_ANTENNA_TUNER];
        // Poll for EXTTR State to enable PTT pull low on on J6 Pins 5 and 6
        if (current_is_rx == 0 && tune_req == 0 && digimode == false ) { //TX
            //current_is_rx = false;
            if (absolute_time_diff_us(last_tune, get_absolute_time ()) / 1000 >= 800)
                gpio_put(GPIO10_Out5, 1);
                gpio_put(GPIO22_Out6, 1);
        else {      //RX
            current_is_rx = true;
            if (tune_req == 1) {                
                Registers[REG_ANTENNA_TUNER] = 0xEE;
                tuner_time0 = get_absolute_time ();
            gpio_put(GPIO10_Out5, 0);
            gpio_put(GPIO22_Out6, 0);
        if (tune_req == 0xEE && absolute_time_diff_us(tuner_time0, get_absolute_time ()) / 1000 >= 5000)
            Registers[REG_ANTENNA_TUNER] = 0;
            last_tune = get_absolute_time ();
            //goto skip_exttr_check;

        // Poll for a change in one of the twelve Rx frequencies. The rx_freq_changed is set in the I2C handler.
        if (rx_freq_changed) {                      
            rx_freq_changed = false;
            change_band = true;
            if (rx_freq_high == 0)
                rx_band = tx_band;
                rx_band = fcode2band(rx_freq_high); // Convert the frequency code to a band code.           